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What is the hardest thing about karate?

The hardest thing is having the courage to take that first step and come along to try our 4 week Introduction to Karate course.

What do I need to wear and bring to my first karate lesson?

All you need is to bring yourself (and perhaps a friend) and wear some loose, comfortable clothing to train in – Jogging bottoms and t-shirts are suitable.

I have no martial arts experience, is this a problem?

Absolutely not. Our Introduction to Karate course is ideal for beginners. We start you off slowly teaching you the basic techniques.  As you progress through your kyu grades (belts) you will develop more advanced techniques.

Do I have to spar (fight)?

No. Beginners classes are focussed on developing correct technique.  Kumite (free-fighting) is only practiced from 6th kyu (green belt) and up.  At this point you will receive safe tuition and wear protective equipment.  

Do I have to book for my free taster session?

No. You are welcome to just turn up on the night.  We have classes on Monday evening 7.00pm to 8.30pm, a Wednesday adults class 8.00pm to 9.00pm and every Friday evening 6.30pm to 7.30pm and 7.30pm to 8.30pm.  Use the contact form to get in touch or give us a call.

How much does it cost to train with Otley Karate Centre?

We do not charge any membership fees.  Lessons cost £8.00 per class and classes are 1 hour long,  however, discounts are available if you pay by standing order or join as a family (3 people or more).

You will need to have a licence prior to your first grading, this is a mandatory requirement of the SSKA.  There is an annual cost of £25 for the licence which also includes insurance cover for you at the dojo (training hall).  

Does the Otley Karate Centre have a uniform?

Yes. We teach traditional Shukokai karate and wear the traditional white karate gi (karate suit).

You must have a gi in order to take your first grading for red belt (9th kyu).

Uniform, belts and protective equipment can be purchased as and when you require it.  Please speak to an instructor for advice about purchasing the correct kit.

Will I be Insured whilst training?

Yes.  All members of the Otley Karate Centre  will be covered.  Don’t worry – injury insurance is a legal requirement, however, all training sessions are practiced and taught to a safe standard and run by our professional instructors.  Karate is a contact sport but injuries at our classes are extremely rare.

How will I benefit from of Karate training?

The benefits are endless. Karate is great for; fitness, weight loss, confidence, stress relief, strength, flexibility, self defence and much more. It’s also great fun where you meet some fantastic people.

I want to learn Karate at Otley Karate Centre. What should I do next?

Feel free to pop down to one of our training sessions for a free taster session or enrol on the 4 week Introduction to Karate course. Simply let us know when you wish to visit.  Click the button below to complete our online enquiry form.
