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Dojo Kun

Rules of the Dojo passed down from the beginnings of karate in Okinawa to the present day.

Seek perfection of character

(jinkaku kansei ni tsuto muru koto)

Seek more than just the physical side of karate.  Build character through discipline and rigorous training: perfect technique through repetition.  Confidence through development will help to overcome personal problems in times of weakness.  To develop spiritual values is difficult but once achieved, will provide a lifetime of inner strength and peace.

Be Faithful

(makato no michi o mamoru koto)

To show faith and loyalty to your sensei and dojo follows a strong samurai tradition.  Prove your loyalty to your sensei and you will be rewarded with his teachings of knowledge and wisdom.

Endeavour to excel

(do ryoko no seishin o yashinau koto)

Dedicate and commit yourself to achieve the mastery of the art.  That is not possible without strenuous effort and sacrifice.

Let your efforts be sincere and not superficial.  The student who perseveres through the difficult times without wavering will be the one who will succeed. To make the effort is the key to success.

Respect others.

(reigi o ormonsuru koto)

This is a vitally important part of Japanese and Okinawan culture.  All aspects of martial arts training must begin and end with a ritualistic bow of courtesy, whether it be to your sensei or to your fellow karate-ka.  Show respect in everything you do and everywhere you go.  Respect is extended to all; senseis, parents, teachers, the law, etc.

Refrain from violent behaviour

(kekki no you o imashi muru koto)

A karate-ka must only use their skills against an untrained person for the sake of justice.  A karate-ka with knowledge will always avoid conflict because they are in control of their emotions and are at peace with themselves.  They have no need to “test” their abilities on the street.  This attitude is indicative of the true karate-ka; a person who fully understands the principles of karate-do and the dojo kun.